Why do
Why do
Why do
You look at me like that
Why do
Why do
Why do
You insist on eye contact
Why do
Why do
Why do
You believe you know why I just blinked
Why do
Why do
Why do
You believe you know how I think
See me here
It's a mask
A mask
That I wear
When you ask about my day or how I am
Never know
How to answer
I am an
Why do
Why do
Why do
You communicate in that way
Why do
Why do
Why do
You always know what to say
Why do
Why do
Why do
You not come across as meek
Why do
Why do
Why do
You not give me a chance to speak
See me here
It's a mask
A mask
That I wear
When you ask about my day or how I am
Never know
How to answer
I am an
Despite all of this, I am happy to be me
For I'm so whole, so vibrant, so alive internally
And the masks I make are painted with a brush of iridescent selfhood
And if it inspires you to dive deeper into yourself, good