You cry that you're amazing
Though you say the same shit
Oh, trust me now
I've got it figured out
Oh, trust me now
I've got it figured out
But, where were you
When I was crying?
Where were you
When my mom was dying?
We're begging for a savior
Oh, begging for a savior
You cry that you're amazing
Though you say the same shit
Trust me now
I've got it figured out
Oh, trust me now!
I've got it figured out
You sit there
Proclaiming"All is well"
You sit there
Saying"All is felt"
But, what does that even mean?
Why are you so passive to me?
And, what do I even mean?
I'm sick of all your bullshit tyranny
You cry that you're amazing
Though you say the same shit
Trust me now
I've got it figured out
Rest assured
My faiths restored
I believe
I believe
Does that make you jealous?
And drunk with envy?
Am I overzealous
For believing in lil' ol me?
Trust me now
Oh, trust me now
I've got it figured out