Again,I wonder if we're friends
I don't know what "being friends" means
I'm used to it like this
I know that in the end it hits
Maybe you can be my first kiss
Are you deaf?
I think I'm getting deaf
Because I spend a lot of time with my headphones
I really spend a lot of time alone
Sorry, I think you called it wrong
I never get texts
There is something useless
On my cell phone
Another economy that won't last
A tutorial teaching how to win over John
Watching videos, wasting my time
Flirting with an AI
Tell me Google,what is the least painless way to die?
Again,I wonder if we're friends
I don't know what "being friends" means
I'm used to it like this
I know that in the end it hits
Maybe you can be my first kiss
Are you deaf?
I think I'm getting deaf
Because I spend a lot of time with my headphones
I really spend a lot of time alone
Sorry, I think you called it wrong
I never get texts
There is something useless
On my cell phone
Another economy that won't last
A tutorial teaching how to win over John