Psycho Barbie
Dances too her, disco ball
Shiny, happy, perky
Laughing, maniacal
Falling money
Rains down above her head
Paid by daddy
When he could've loved her instead
& why! ohh why! ohh why!
Are the nights in Discoville
So pure that you can't go to bed
& in the morning
You awake, like a vampire
So help is hired
From a vial, so vile it inspires you
Too get higher, & higher, & higher
& higher & higher & higher !!
Too get higher, & higher, & higher
& higher & higher & higher !!
Lets get higher, & higher, & higher
& higher & higher & higher !!
Lets get higher, & higher, & higher
& higher
Psycho Barbie
When's the party at its end ?
& is there romance waiting
Somewhere round the bend ?
And when you find him
Your knight in shiny armour white
Why would he want you
When you belong
Too the dancing disco nights
Psycho Barbie
Dances too her, disco ball
Shiny, happy, perky
Laughing, maniacal
Falling money
Rains down above her head
Paid by daddy
When he could've loved her instead
& why! ohh why! ohh why!
Are the nights in Discoville
So pure that you can't go to bed
& in the morning
You arise, like a vampire
& help is hired
From a vial, so vile it inspires you
Too get higher, & higher, & higher
& higher & higher & higher !!
Too get higher, & higher, & higher
& higher & higher & higher !!
Lets get higher, & higher, & higher
& higher & higher & higher !!
Lets get high
With Psycho Barbie