How many days taken off this week
How many silver coins from the pockets of the weak
Rainbows stretch from curb to curb
Without a thought for the great things once preserved
Been in office for way too long
What day are you planning to start
You're wasting our money, our patience, our time
Prance about with a falseness of heart
How much longer 'til you fix Fort Mac
How much longer 'til we get our country back
Everything you do is an epic fail
You rag on us for being born so pale
With a botox smile, you sell us out
Then scream and shout when we all come out
Scream and shout when the patriots sprout
Run and hide when all hell breaks out
You know the music, it's time to dance
Now drop your fake 'For the people' stance
Prime Minister
Crime Minister
Out of time, mister