Hey, it's me, Madmartigan
Let me out of this crow's cage
Give me a sword I'll win this war
I'm the best warrior in the village
Sit in your coffin and rot
My army has fought
Great battles before this one
We will conquer Bavmorda
Airk please, I'm on my knees
Right here inside this crows cage
Don't leave me with these 2 pecks
And their Daikini baby
Sit in your coffin and rot
My army has fought
Great battles before this one
We will conquer or we will run
He thought you were a woman, Airk
With your long red hair you certainly look it
He thought you were a woman, Airk
And when you ask me to win this war for you I'll do it
Sit in your coffin and rot
Your army has lost
You die on the battlefield
With Galadorn still on your shield