I have transgressed, O Master, more than the harlot
But I have not offered You a shower of tears; praying though
In silence, I fall down before You with fervour
Kissing Your sacred feet, that as Lord You will forgive my debts
As I cry out to You, 'O Saviour, deliver me from the filth of my evil deeds'
The woman, who was once a prodigal
Showed herself suddenly wise, despising her shameful sins and carnal pleasure
She reflected on the magni tude of her shame, and the judgment of hell
Which harlots and prodigals suffer. Of these I am the first, and I am terrified; but
Fool that I am, I persist in my perverse habits
The harlot also was in terror, but she hastened, and came to the Redeemer, crying out
'O Loving and Merciful Master, deliver me from the filth of my evil deeds'
On Holy and Great Wednesday the Holy Fathers
Ordained that commem oration should be made of the anointing of the Lord
With myrrh by the woman who was a sinner
For this occurred shordy before the Passion of the Saviour
The woman pouring out myrrh on the Body of Christ
Anticipates the myrrh and aloes of Nicodemus
Anointed with the perceptible myrrh, O Christ
God, set us free from overwhelming passions
And have mercy on us, as the only Merciful and Loving God. Amen