"So when I say the word vegan to you, what do you think of?
I used to think that vegans forced their views
But one day I realized that nothing could ever be as forceful
As taking the life of someone who does not wish to die...
Taking the life of an animal who does not wish to die
Do we require more than sensory pleasure alone to morally justify an action?
Remember, that a meal to us lasts only a matter of minutes
But that meal has cost an animal their entire life
We take their life for a moment that is fleeting
A meal that we forget about almost as soon as we have consumed it
I used to think that vegans forced their views, I said this regularly
But one day I realized that nothing could ever be as forceful
As taking the life of someone who does not wish to die...
Taking the life of an animal who does not wish to die
And so in the end, that's why I became vegan
Because when put into perspective
My arguments held no voracity, no credibility, no validity
Fundamentally I called myself an animal lover
Yet I paid for animals to suffer and die on my behalf
Through all of the excuses I used to make
I realized that my values contradicted my actions, and