When I was thirteen I was raped by a man
No not in his car in the back of his van
He tried to make me do shit but I said no
So I hit and run as this ain't a show
On the way to school and I felt like crap
I had a few boys call me it was a trap
They hit and beat me till I was blue in the face
And destroyed my stuff and left no trace
Since I was three I've had no mum
When I do good I don't get a thumbs up
I find it hard with all you peeps
Moaning at others for living on the streets
You don't know how hard shit could get
So don't diss and cuss after you get respect
As that takes time and is hard to get
Just get on your bike and go for a trek
Bullied from birth to the age of eleven
Never backed down used a bat or run
When I fight it's always been three on one
But at the end of the day they never won
Fought my battles on my larry
When they punch or kick I parry
When I fight I don't need a gun
As to me fighting is my fun