Behold a Beast adorned in a snow white hide
A Satanic entity is in command of the glorious ride
The Infernal archer holds the victor's diadem
As he plagues the Earth with an epidemical mayhem
Behold a Beast adorned in a blood red hide
A diabolic entity, is in command of the Majestical ride
The Ruthless warrior holds the flaming blade
As he brings to earth a astro catastrophic crusade
Devastation, Annihilation
The cleansing's begun
Purification through tribulation
The Armageddon's begun
Obliteration, Eradication
Depopulation's begun
Disintegration, Extermination
The final battle's begun
Behold a Beast adorned in a blackened hide
A Demonic entity is in command of the empyreal ride
The Judicial Rider Holds the balance in his hands
As he roams the earth to starve the bloody lands
Devastation, Annihilation
The cleansing's begun
Purification through tribulation
The Armageddon's begun
Obliteration, Eradication
Depopulation's begun
Disintegration, Extermination
The final battle's begun
Behold a Beast adorned in an ashen hide
A ghoulish entity, is in command of the phantasmic ride
The hadean rider holds the executioner scythe
As he reaps the earth before the apocalyptical and terminal fight
The Legion of Satan, A chthonian horde
Awaiting ascension of the Stygian Lord
Devastation, Annihilation
The cleansing's begun
Purification through tribulation
The Armageddon's begun
Obliteration, Eradication
Depopulation's begun
Disintegration, Extermination
The final battle's begun
Devastation, Annihilation
The cleansing's begun
Purification through tribulation
The Armageddon's begun
Obliteration, Eradication
Depopulation's begun
Disintegration, Extermination
The final battle's begun