See me lean on the fridge
Trying my best to keep it together
Never know, what world I'll wake up in
If my grace doesn't exist
Just tell the plans that I cant make them
Can't stand to see the old me, poke its head
And how when you're there, I'm not invited
But I'm not your final boss
I'm just scared that I'm the type
Who could see her perfect curls
And think they could ruin my life
Thats why it's been, me
Versus man for a while
The stuff I've been, taking
For a while
I mumble under my breath
All for you I save, the meanest messages
All for you and the role you made me play
All for you
And the loud music
My roommates, always
I'm not your final boss
I'm just scared that I'm the type
Who could see her perfect curls
And think they could ruin my life
And you blame it on the wreck
But that wreck was just a sign
I've been on strange medicine
For a long time
That's why its been, me
Versus man for a while
The stuff I've been, taking
For a while
And I'm not as mad as I seem
When you're partying out in Long Beach
In the bathroom I was spinning
Taking the things that help
So hold me back
Because I'm angry
And I don't wanna blow up
On anyone else
Hold me back
Because I'm wondering
If this is how it was
By myself