It's a crazy life and its full of twists and turns|Sometimes you're on fire and sometimes you just get burnt|But I wouldn't have it any other way||Here and now, with the sun goin' down|We're gonna pass this bottle around|Lighting up the night like a cigarette glowing|Doin' anything to keep the good times goin'|Yeah it's a beautiful ride|Oh yeah it's a hell of a high|When you're dancing with forever and you're holding on tight|Let's raise one up for this|This crazy life||There's nothing like the feeling of hearing that favourite song|Or that little look she gives you when she whispers that tonight it's on|First car driving way too fast, times like these man they never seem to last||Here and now, with the sun goin' down|We're gonna pass this bottle around|Lighting up the night like a cigarette glowing|Doin' anything to keep the good times goin'|Yeah it's a beautiful ride|Oh yeah it's a hell of a high|When you're dancing with forever and you're holding on tight|Let's raise one up for this|This crazy life||||||