The show is being out.
The shining lights are open
The killers showing their cold... hearts
The show is being out.
The tv signal is frozen.
There's nothing left to tell for... clowns
The audience is tired of so much manipulation.
Nothing you tell has any..... value..... ahhhh
The show is being out and closed....ahhhh
The show is being out.
The show is being out.
The eyes have already opened
It's impossible to go... back
The show is being out.
The lies are so stupid
Not even a child would believe them
The audience is tired of so much manipulation.
Nothing you tell has any... value...
The show is being out and closed...
The show is being out.
The show is being out
Solo (instrumental)
The audience is saving you a place in... the hell
Nothing you tell has any... value.
The show is being out and more...
Seal your dirty secrets.
The show is being out. the show is being out. the show is being out. the show is being out.