April is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Increased activity
Energy, agitation
Grandiose beliefs
Decreased need for sleep
Racing thoughts
Markedly increased energy
And rapid speech
Or is it ADHD
With a twist
Of social anxiety?
Well shiiiiiiit
M. Night Shyamalan
Got nothing on me
See, these Signs
They Split my
Internal Avatar
What is Happening to me?
What is happening to me?
These thoughts
They clash
There's no symphony
No rhyme or reason
Nor sympathy
I am all four seasons
At once
And then some
Not yet discovered
I feel scared
That I'm going manic
That I'm going crazy
That I'm losing myself slowly
That I'm
Not sleeping enough, I guess
That I'm
A little bit too happy
I'm scared I'm going manic
I'm scared I'm gonna
Go psychotic again and
Lose my mind and
Start believing all these
Delusional things
About my life that
Just aren't true
I'm scared
I'm scared
I guess, I'm scared