Gimme a trailer park martini for my friends And me
One tall beer to set our hearts free
Three queenie olives to make my blues Disappear
Life on a shoestring budget but we got beer
Dancing in the moonlight with my red solo Cup
Neon signs shining as we twist it up
Dirt road nights and laughter that's how we Roll
Living large in a trailer park with olives and Golden cheer
Drink up drink up to the moon and stars Above
Trailer park martinis and some hometown Love
No fancy bars or velvet ropes we seek
Just the clink of a cup and fill our cheeks
Rusty pickup trucks and an open sky so wide
Voices of friends echo from the other side
No crystal glasses needed for this nightly Glee
Trailer park martinis set our wild hearts free
Fences may be broken but our ties hold tight
Cheers to the simple things on this starry Night
No cash left but we got plenty of joy
Trailer park martinis like a perfect ploy
Drink up drink up to the moon and stars Above
Trailer park martinis and some hometown Love
No fancy bars or velvet ropes we seek
Just the clink of a cup and our spirits peak