You know my depression, they love to always question
Whether my mood swings and insomnia are all just for attention
But some nights I toss and turn and I think about a million things
From traveling the world to buying my girl a diamond ring
Some nights I'm fast asleep, ain't up till five the next day
When you're unemployed and depressed, time slips right away
I never wanna go out, lost interest in all celebration
You never see me at parties, I'm at home in isolation
Wasn't the party type, the loud music I could've did without
So I stayed in my room, thinking with all the lights out
I never wanted to eat, my Grandma thought that I was dying
And I could go back for thirds, eat like a man without really trying
I still felt fat, could've sworn I was looking heavy
Stopped playing sports, convinced myself I was obese already
And with anxiety, constant thoughts made me so nervous
My hands were always trembling, even when I was a little uncertain
And this was after the biggest heartbreak I ever had
I wanted this dumb thing to disappear, I didn't wanna be sad
And my family told me they thought this was a phase
The black community thinks for every disorder the answer is pray
But I needed a therapist, medication or more
Wanted some type of help with this constant mental war
I needed something, someone, just somebody's ear
16 million suffer from depression, every single year
People take it as a joke, yeah I wanna kill myself too
Tried to kill myself twice, that real enough for you?
And when I look at where I was, to where I'm at now
I thank God for my progress, and I don't even know how
A common myth is that it's all in your head
They say suck it up, grow some balls and get out of your freaking bed
But mental health is as important as getting a physical
It's not mythical, minimal, or even atypical
It's not the same as being sad, you don't always need a shoulder
And just because you feel better, doesn't mean that it's over
Depression is nothing to be scared of or hated
Someone you know may be going through this, so stay educated
And if you suffer from it yourself, don't be ashamed
It's a badge of honor, cause guess what? You overcame