I've got a black suit on and a sky-blue tie
I'm shackled and barefoot, babe, and I think I might die
I had my hair all slicked back just the way you like
But they messed it all up
I can really see this now all in a movie
Even now, I think I'm looking dreamy
With this cool sneer on my face while those others scream at me
In some crazy dialect of their occupying language
The one guy speaks pretty good broken English
But asks me about stuff I've never even heard of
One time, some other guy lit my hand with a Zippo lighter
He just held it there while another held me by the hair
I couldn't stand it; I'm still devastated by it
I wanted you here then, as I do now, so I could squeeze you tightly
In hopes to absorb some of this screeching searing pain I feel
During what could be my last night on earth