We try to name all the bunnies and keep
Track of them. They get backstories; personalities often
Spring forth from their features. Nugget is often
The tiniest bunny of the season. There was
Biscuit and Gravy, two little bunnies
They were in love
Sometimes at dusk
We would stand out on the veranda
Wondering aloud if Biscuit and Gravy were down
Their little hidey-hole snuggling
Snoozy was a loner and would lounge
Every warm, sunny afternoon near the ferns and flowers
On what we call The Grassy Knoll. You taught
Snoozy how to feast on your chopped-up
Apple cores, gradually coaxing him
To chomp on them right beneath us
Maynard's got a beatnik neck-beard, and Pickles got short ears
They dash back and forth, sometimes right
At each other, taking turns avoiding collision by
Springing a few feet straight up into the sky, faster than
Olympic track. This is our I-max
The free wooded area next door not only
Houses varieties of flowers that bloom at different times
There's many other sources of cover from hawks
To our knowledge, there is no record of any hawk
Ever having any luck with any bunny over here
And there never will be
That one time, that cat had something I was able
To ascertain that it was definitely not a bunny