The golden sun is preying on thought
A warmth on which I'm feeding
A distant vision that is blurred
Between my eyes
Celestial dreaming
Pockets bulging far to full with memories bar flies
Far past drowsiness I learn that love can hypnotise
All the way down
And back again
Silent visions fade
Fading out across the sky
The crescent moon is ebbing on thought
A tide on which I'm riding
A distant vision that is blurred
Between my eyes
Celestial dreaming
Pockets bulging far to full with memories spies
Far past drowsiness I learn love can anaesthetise
All the way down
And back again
Silent visions fade
Fading out across the sky
Fading out across the sky
Golden sun
Crescent moon
Golden sun
Crescent moon
Fading out across the sky