It's no fun when you're hogging it all
She is all of the light in the room
Lucky man as I am my wonder creeps in
What's it like to radiate like her
Keep on the floor head warming her thighs
Staying close as I can each second that goes by
Hair shorter than mine, eyes twice as bright
Striking little beauty has caught my left and right eye
You count your stars when you steal a glance
Must be sure she's still right where you left her
Lenovo light showing a smile
Laughing at a joke she'll tease but never tell, but just as well I
Keep on the floor head warming her thighs
Staying close as I can each second that goes by
Hair shorter than mine, eyes twice as bright
Striking little beauty has caught my left and right eye
Home is where she makes me go
I'd follow her into unknown depths of woe
Make me the king of men
My cute little Queen of Nihongo
Keep on the floor head warming her thighs
Staying close as I can each second that goes by
Hair shorter than mine, eyes twice as bright
Striking little beauty has caught my left and right eye
Home is where she makes me go
I'd follow her into unknown depths of woe
Make me the king of men
My sweet baby Queen of Japan