Yo guys what's up in the studio with
What's your name
JoDaBoi in the studio
So this is um the trailer for my album
Hold on where's the book gone
This is the uh
Book I named
Book I named my album on
Yeah the perks of being a wallflower
So um when's my album coming out
Honestly at this point I cant guarantee anything
Because of course with GCSES its definitely kinda hard
But id say in June or July
I put a lot of work in this album
Every lunch time im just going studio im not hanging out with my friends
I actually need to make this thing over 1 minute or my distribution service is not gonna let me release it so
What else do I say bro
What do I say
You say
This album is gonna be legendary
How this album is gonna change history
Yes this album will change history I promise you guys
Nah nah mine is gonna be better guys
Who the hell is that
What is that kid doing in there
Anyways as I was saying I know im finna get mocked
I know um people are gonna laugh at me
But I feel like in the end its worth it
Because I'm actually doing what I want with my life
But yeah apart from that thank you guys for listening to this trailer
And when the album comes out please listen to it
Please share it with your friends you know
It's gonna be a good story I promise you guys
Also listen to my friend JoDaBois album which is called
Boys be boys
Yeah its gonna come out soon
And then let us know which album you like better
That's true I mean
Drake has a lot of fame but his music
Okay don't say that we don't know for sure
Okay that's all thank you guys for listening to my trailer
The perks of being a wallflower coming out soon
So thanks guys bye