Once a upon a time
A friend of mine
Told me a story
That would define
The state of my mind
Here's the story as it goes
He told
About the love of his life
And I could see it in his eyes
That she was the one
His future wife
His story made me extremely happy, at first
However, I did not know that mixed emotions, would burst
That I actually had a desire
A desperation
To find love on my own
As his story progressed
My mind became a mess
I started to hear a clock
Tick tick tick
I covered my pending tears
With a smile
I got angry
How could I be so selfish
When my friend was telling
How life has granted his wish
Tick tick tick
The clock made me sick
I made up an inner conflict
That would trick
The state of my mind
I desperately want to find
That special one
And mutual affection
I didn't realize
That I was not able to write
This life-section
I became afraid of what was uncertain
I wanted to draw the curtain
I came back to reality
My friend's story made me think
That there's a time for everything
And that me and my love life
Was not yet in sync
Tick tick tick
The clock is a Prick prick prick
You are not able to write your life
There's no such thing as a clock
A clock will just block your ability to be free