A brooding fog had ensconced the burg by dusk. And soon... night was upon. I paced the darkness. My shoes echoed as they pounded and scraped wet cobblestones. The damp warmth of haze filled my lungs. Every breath.
I would find her.
There, underneath the archway, her silhouette appeared. Dimly lit by the alley beyond which she stood. Feminine. Elegant. Her face fragile, brimming with lust.
I loomed closer. She smiled. A rare feeling of tenderness filled me inside. I was falling in love. And I convinced myself she felt the same. I needed her.
The evening wore on. Our lips met, our bodies united. Passion and intimacy entwined our warmth as one. I felt complete.
We laid in togetherness, bathing in moon's gleam with radiance. This memory would never leave me. I had found her.