No matter how
How fast I run, how fast I go
No matter how
I cannot escape my fate
It's poison in my blood
Atonement for my crime
These furies of my past
Would torture me so
Poison me
Sizzle me to ash
My snakes of Hera
Would wake me
Would make
My redemption
I'll go through anything
My aim for immortality
It's poison in my blood
Atonement for my crime
These furies of my past
But can I sure endure it all
My human half is my pitfall
I'll fight the lion, take his skin
I'll slay the serpent
I'll catch the hind
Defeat the birds
The prize is high
Please hear my prayer
Please give me strength
Please hear my prayer, hear my call
Please give me strength, I need it so
Believe in me, please trust me
I raise my hands to raging skies
I'm on my knees; I know the price
Defeat myself
To live among gods