You're a powerless little man
Don't try to resist to abide her commands
Clout toys charades in skin
When she signals you to catch her scent
Humiliation for being choice less
Or degradation because you fantasize it
And when you beckoned for peace
You were plundered
And if you thought they'd understand
They won't
Chivalrous defiance
Will be ignored
Her face like porcelain
Breasts that tempts Everyman
And you think you can resist
Her eyes will haunt you
Politics will force you
Expendable biped you'll stay silent
Your peers will taunt you
Because her pheromones
Are the most coveted of all the vices
And you're dreams
Will be defiled with her desires
And for you
Sex will be
The flatulence of love
And when
The climax lays waste
Hara-kiri is next
Smack off those tears
Put on your big boy pants
Saddle up and take
The carnal sin like a man