He's walking up the cobblestone
Trying to escape the undertow
Of weeks gone by doing the only thing he knows
The trials of the briny water
He wants to embrace his wife and daughter
But the oceans between them cast memories away
And oh the pain it rips and lingers
That tainted band upon his finger
Perhaps a few sips will make her fade away
Then says
It's 3am and all the doors are closed
In this whaling city dive bar I call home
And can I think if I had another drink
Or would it take me to a place I'm not alone
And how long did she wait? He ponders
Before she missed a man upon her
Each drag he takes can't make him understand
Voices of you married too young what were you thinking
Out fooling around while you were sleeping
In a small bunk just longing for the land
Stumbling from the cobblestone
He snuck into his daughters window
Packs a small bag and takes her by the hand
One eyes more black than blue like the other
Enraged he turns on the gas then shutters
One last drag flicks memories away