He wonders in a frenzy and a dream
Running from one falling star to another, till he drops
This is the night, what it does to him
Dean's California
The land of lonely and eccentric lovers
Ain't nothing to do but rock back and forth
Take me to Paradise
He needs a fast car and a coast to reach
And a woman at the end of the road
He gotta go and never stop going
'Till he gets there, 'cos the road is life
Dig it, dig it, dig it
Ain't nothing to do but rock back and forth
Do you remember what Dean said?
Do ya?
To do a dull thing with style
That's what he calls art
He never yawns or says a commonplace thing
Some people never go crazy
What truly horrible lives they must lead
Nothing to do but rock back and forth
Take me to Paradise
Do you remember what Dean said?
Do ya?
He wonders in a frenzy and a dream
Running from one falling star to another, till he drops
This is the night, what it does to him
Dean's California
The land of lonely and eccentric lovers
Ain't nothing to do but rock back and forth
Take me to Paradise
He had become completely mad in his movements
He seemed to be doing everything at the same time
It was a shaking of the head, up and down sideways
Jerky vigorous hands
Quick walking, sitting, crossing the legs, uncrossing
Getting up, rubbing his hands rubbing his fly, hitching his pants
Looking up and saying 'Am', and the sudden slitting of the eyes to see everywhere
And all the time he was grabbing me by the ribs and talking