You're the long pour of the coffee on a Sunday morning
Smelling the outdoor morning dew
As I sit
And I sip
Watching our life through a Dream Reel
I watch how you promised to never be obsessed
Nor to ever get upset
But when you promised that was the last cigarette
I couldn't help being your full/fool ashtray
I watch how I wanted to give you some kind of medal
To wrap around your neck
I remember a time I wanted some kind of gold to wrap
Around your finger
But I knew
If it works now something bad'll happen down the road
In your eyes
It was impossible to see it all coming
When does red turn orange?
When does trash become fashion?
When do the flowers become coal?
That's a question only you would know
As the Reel of Dreams end
The warm smile of the sun sets
But when the January stars heard what I watched about you
They all went away into the midnight's sky
I ended up learning to pull what I can't push
They all went away
Into the midnight's
That's the magic of a Dream Reel