See the missiles in the air
There's no shelter anywhere
Death streaks across the sky
There's nowhere to hide
Up above explodes a sun
The light of 20 megatons
Everything begins to burn
Our resting place: a scorched earth
Is there to be a future
Will we even have a say
Will they push the button
Armageddon any day
Is this all for nothing
Is our world doomed to burn
Will they pull the trigger
Will this be a scorched earth
Nuclear weapons armed
Cruise missiles and bombs
Nuclear submarines
Prepared for World War 3
Don't take for granted this life
Any moment we could die
The warning may never come
Just the blast of an H-Bomb
Is there to be a future
Will we even have a say
Will they push the button
Armageddon any day
Is this all for nothing
Is our world doomed to burn
Will they pull the trigger
Will this be a scorched earth
They tax away our money
To fund the military
But you don't need an army
Unless you have an enemy
Russia versus NATO
Ready to explode
If someone pulls the trigger
There will be nowhere to go