Milk and honey
The daily bread
Open wide people
Keep the swine fed
Howl at the moon
The future knocks
You crack a smile
With precious rocks
Hand of fate
Let me go
A feast for eyes
Well I could be wrong
Expect the worst
So much the better
Always at first
Across the land
Bountiful crooks
Take what you can lift
Come have a look
Now feast your eyes
A silver spoon
Grandfather clock
Been a good long while
For baby talk
We're hazing Sunny
Got to his head
Come on now be cool
Hear what I said
For God's sake
Heaven knows
The feast for eyes
Who took the command
Threw College books
Off a sinking ship
As the world shook
Remember our song
Who got the thirst
Light as a feather
Then my heart burst
Child awake
Yeah feast your eyes