Hori, hori, hori, horizon blue
Hori, hori, hori, horizon blue
We spoke long into the night, and just after sunrise
I said that the morning sky matched perfectly my motorbike
You said it wasn't quite right yet, and I never will forget
How the morning held it's breath
Hori, hori, hori, horizon blue
I looked out over the calm waters of West Lake
And saw my mistake: I'd spoken too soon
So we kissed for the very first time as the morning sky
Brightened to a deeper hue
Hori, hori, hori, horizon blue
In that still moment I knew that it was a new day
I opened my eyes on
And you filled the horizon
You filled the horizon
It's a big, big sky over Rastaman Row
As we all know
I opened my eyes and you filled the horizon
You filled the horizon
You filled the horizon
Hori, hori, hori, horizon blue