Straw heaped in tormenting stack
Sticking and prickling my back
Thick coiling creeper vines wrapped
Around my legs, I am trapped
No escape from the track
Trudge through to rocky terrain
Back hunched from bearing the strain
Load dangles, perilous sway
Stagger on stones in the way
Up the crumbling moraine
Each step hoists up the incline
Finally make the tree line
Froth floods the lower hollows
Up close, sea fossils exposed
On bare-stripped mountain spine
Message inscribed into slate
Whispers: shrug off the weight
Float free from terrestrial
Evolving in retrograde
Dissolving vertebrae
Revert to primordial
Transformed into jellyfish
I've gone gelatinous
Distilled to pulsing bellows
Transparent anatomy
Untouched by gravity
Pure impulse directly flows
Broadcasting minute signals
Radiating ripples
Throughout this liquid domain
Seek into estuaries
Search all shoreline crannies
Cold shivers return again
Face down on gravel-strewn shore
Far flung, the burden I wore
Yet no relief where I sprawl
In stagnant pool, haven't found
What I ventured out for