Exiled, as the day snuffs out
Cling to smoking sunset ember
Against the long, lone dark to come
Seek some hovel, yearn for home
Through the tyranny of the night
Home is restful
A comfort, and furthermore
It draws you into its warm
Safe bosom, source of solace
Where the home is
There's nothing, because it's so close
You can't smell, hear or see it
Fashioned as it is of you
On return back from afar
Unmistakable whiff, faint tick
And glimpse of signs that you are close
Let your instincts draw you back
Down the heartening final mile
Exiled, as the day snuffs out
Cling to smoking sunset ember
Against the long, lone dark to come
Seek some hovel, yearn for home
Through the tyranny of the night
Home has margins
Edges indiscernible
Like fire warmth radiating
Or mother's dinnertime hail
'Round your garden
And block, it watches and tends
Its feelers encircle
Guiding back into its embrace
Further out, a wasteland rings
Where you strain to sharpen senses
To catch the signals left behind
You must scout and navigate
Thwart the false paths on your way
Exiled, as the day snuffs out
Cling to smoking sunset ember
Against the long, lone dark to come
Seek some hovel, yearn for home
Through the tyranny of the night
Home enfolds you
A membrane invisible
Within, you safely relax
Your true shape reforms again
Bolstered within
Step and breath are synchronized
Clumsiness gone, grace restored
Effortlessly, thoughts align
Beyond, pitfalls trip you up
With vigilance, and ready stance
Prepare for buffets and deceit
Strive though hostile, harsh terrain
'Til your hoarded strength is spent
Exiled, as the day snuffs out
Cling to smoking sunset ember
Against the long, lone dark to come
Seek some hovel, yearn for home
Through the tyranny of the night