Dick Greenhaus is looking for words to "Ballad of the Ko Vah Nee"
(K.C. King, where are you?)
Full text to "Barry's Boys" (MItchell Trio)
Song beginning: "Come all you young fellows with hearts that
beat high/ March onward to conquer, to do or to die..."
Complete words to "Red Fly the Banners, O!"
Spike Werner wants more verses, complete words to "Pay Some Attention to me Sam"
Sue West wants: All the versions of all the Child Ballads. Also song with line:
"The petals fell from thr rose of York"
"The petals fell from the Rose of York"
Susan Friedman wants any songs anyone has about mythical
Edith Lux wants: the other version of Stewball (Jus' bet on
Stewball, and you may win etc.)