You think you have all the answers
A moral compass to which all should align
You might as well admit to yourself
No one's more lost than you
Living in a fantasy world
Of imagined rules and principles
Shared with those who are desperate
To enforce, reinforce a lie that makes you feel
Needed and important
But there's blood in your trail
That is your game
But you're led astray
You and the others
Progating hate, your only skill
Enhancing yourself by demonizing the weak
Thief of truth, blasphemer of decency
You know inside why you're really doing this
I know you know
Through humiliation
There's hell to pay
For you and the others
Left, right, left, right
Hate hating hate
False prophets have claimed your faith
Once recruited, you now hold the banner
The symbol of destruction, you proudly sway
Everything's backwards with you
You smile at hate and despise the happiness of others
Because ultimately, you're the victim
No one ever wanted you
That is the truth
Your heart is dead
You've lost your way
Mending pain with anger
That's no answer
Your are insane
There's hell to pay
For you and the others