Whatever happened to you solved it all
No mark on your life, baby: you bet it's tough
Keeping you right here is getting harder every day
In moments like this all my hate is unbound
I died on July but you didn't care
My mouth was filled with pollen and leaves
You said your name meant 'unbending', girl, and you are
I'll grab my sneakers and run: a porthole opens
A porthole opens
Whatever happened to you solved it
So let this water choke me
What do I still clog my lungs for? The harvest's gone
Been starin' at our opaque world for far too long
Keep on counting: you'll never reach one hundred, 'cause
One number before that you'll find me waiting
I need you like this first track needs a chorus
I'll wait for the thaw, but I need a fold (a porthole opens)
There's something in this river of blood, but I'm blind to this pain
I'll watch golden railings glow
I am God
I am God
I am God
I am God