That evening down by the bridge
Under the electrical wires
The pulse got inside our heads
We looked up to the sky
We heard the pylons whine
Or so we thought we did
Not knowing it was
The singing in the grass
These hurried waters, mighty Hudson
Streaming forward, pushing back
Drops running to the ocean
Becoming less, becoming more
We looked down from above
Through the railings and the bars
The sun beat down on us
Saw the barges filled with cars
Passed the hotline number
To the other side
We were running
To be first
These hurried waters, mighty Hudson
Streaming forward, pushing back
Drops running to the ocean
Becoming less, becoming more
This bridge rests on many shoulders
Many arms make the span
This bridge rests on many shoulders
We held hands
These hurried waters, mighty Hudson
Streaming forward, pushing back
Drops running to the ocean
Becoming less, becoming more
Drops running
We were running
We are running