You're a baby elephant headed for the bed
You're just a baby elephant with a sleepy head
Come on baby, let's tuck you into bed
There's a baby elephant feet stickin' out
There's another baby elephant feet stickin' out
Feet stickin' out from the bottom of the blanket
You can only stay for one little night
One night stayin' with your baby elephant
We don't want him to to be counting on you
There's a baby elephant we put him into bed
But his feet stickin' out and he won't go to bed
He's batting his eyelashes looking at you
Here's a quiet room for all you baby elephants
We put a cute little quilt on every baby elephant
Close your eyes, you got them big long eyelashes
I see you batting those eyelashes baby elephant
You're mighty irresistible
But why don't you go to sleep now, huh?
Go to sleep baby elephant
Go to sleep