UglyDolls is a 2019 animated musical adventure-comedy film directed by Kelly Asbury and written by Alison Peck, from a story by Robert Rodriguez, who also produced. It is based on the plush toys of the same name by David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim, and follows a group of them as they try to find owners in the "Big World" despite their flaws.
The film stars the voices of Kelly Clarkson, Janelle MonĂ¡e, Blake Shelton, Wanda Sykes, Gabriel Iglesias, Wang Leehom, Nick Jonas, and Pitbull.
UglyDolls was theatrically released by STX Films, the first animated film produced by the company. It received negative reviews from critics and grossed $32 million worldwide, and was the last film directed by Kelly Asbury, who died in June 2020 from cancer.