The ceasefire ceased at midnight
and the battlelines were drawn,
so we gathered up our history
had the children dressed at dawn,
there wasn't any petrol so we used the can
to fill water from the UN tank,
couldn't help feeling no-one gave a damn
as we left our happy homeland
Our happy homeland through the sniper fire and smoke
and as we left our happy homeland
we felt like Gods cruel joke
Took the clothes we stood up in
left the mobile phone behind with the pc
and the fax machine that revolutionised our lives,
couldn't use the car so we pushed the pram
over the bridge where we first held hands,
down the culvert to the transit camp and
we left our happy homeland
And we though of our neighbors
as the shelling began,
holed up in their cellar
with their homemade jam
and we couldn't help feeling
no-one gave a damn
as we left our happy homeland