Thuso thuso
My help my help
Thuso yaka etswa go wena
All of my help comes from you
Ga go mo nka isang
Theres no where else I can take
Mathata le matlhoko
My challenges and my troubles
O setshabelo saka
You're my refuge
Sa mo lefatshe
Here in this world
Gago ya ntataisang
No one else can hold my
Tseleng tse boima
In tough roads
Kantleng lego wena
Besides you
Morena waka
My Lord
Ke ka moo kere
That's why im saying
Thuso Thuso
My help my help
Thuso yaka
All of my help
Etswa go wena
Comes from you
Gake bitsa go wena
When I call upon you
Oa mpholosa
You save me
Melekong yotlhe
From all tribulations
Yamo lefatsheng
Of this world
Gonne wena o ntlholetse
Coz youve conquered
On the cross
Wa nlwela
You fought for me
Dintweng tsotlhe
In all the battles
Ke ka moo kere Thuso
Thats why I say my help
Thuso Thuso
My help my help
Thuso yaka
All of my help
Etswa go wena
Comes from you