If prodigals along a watchtower magazine the ammunition would've emptied
Into the firing line. Big Brother would oversee with an Everclear chalice
Praising the heavens for our blood, kissing at his signet. What Big Brother
Has power if not allowed from the Father? But in the city square the gallows
Prepare for hangings while inhabitants ignite torches and gendarme riot gear
If this city-state devolves into violence, can it be called home
Was it for freedom that you were set free when your Big Brother had an eye to see
If you'd eat pig scraps again, if muttering curses when stumping your damned hoof
But for freedom you were set free
So whether leather pig
Skin or heart of flesh
Fear not your Billy Goat
Big Brother's gruff speech
We wanted to be the saviors of mankind
With the nostalgia of becoming Kingdom celebrities
But many good deeds will pass by forgotten
Unremembered with absence of passing memory
What good's paying homage and atonement
If Big Brother says it must be eternal
How long must the gentry fear the show of force
Before their country can be the home of the brave
Others beat plowshares and call it a home for the free
Yet home's where the heart is, not an Art Deco cross-stitch
If home is somewhere else, then let me reject the city
To journey outside its walls to discover the heart of God