When I'm out amongst people and walking around
I know I have nothing to fear
But all isolated and watching TV
I feel that the end is near
It's a very smart form of repression
Since we morally have to obey
And if we suggest it's oppression
It's for the health of the world they will say
But it makes me distrust my neighbour
And it makes me mistrust my friend
When we have to keep a safe distance
Something inside of us ends
But how can we argue against them
When every media outlet is filled
With the news of this terrible virus
And all of the people it's killed
You know I'm a conspiracy theorist
You know I'm a cynical fool
They've banned all public meetings
But the kids are all still in school
And we've all got an elderly loved one
And in six months we'll see if they've survived
And then we can be fairly certain
Whether or not someone lied