Betty Crocker With Big Knockers
Did you get a look at the new
Domestic helper, she looks like
Betty Crocker with big knockers
Her boytoy wears green Dockers
It's hot enough to fry
Eggs on your forehead
Don't drive yourself bonkers
Willy Loman couldn't cut it in Yonkers
The racist skinflint she cleans for
Has a crooked honker
Evil blue eyes and a
Decadent money locker
She has girlfriends
Who shield her
At the nightclub
Bloody cock blockers
She gets rave reviews for her
Facial features she bakes a mean
Red velvet cake, she's a real life
Betty Crocker With Big Knockers
Why do men objectify women
When they have pressing
Matters to attend , like dropping
Nukes and passing out in their
Own puke