A Fistful Of Sand
Scoop a fistful of sand and toss
It up in the air, nobody can count
Every grain without leaving plenty to spare
Open your closet again
Your favourite outfits only
Fit as long as the skeletons are there
Sigh out loud before you
Make good on a dare, be
Comfortable in your own skin, the cagiest
Person at the table gets the best chair
Keep shuffling the deck until
You find the right mix, the big man
On campus never found a woman
To stick once the cupboard was bare
You both had a million products
To add volume to hair, and expensive
Lip moisturizer for the nights
Sloppy kisses were not for sharing
But who said life is fair
You have a fistful of sand
To rinse away from your eyes
Because acrimony is everywhere
Take the next step and gather
With friends you haven't seen
In a while, a nice social tea, the invitation
Will read despite our differences I still care
Later tonight you can sleep like a king
Knowing you turned a fistful of sand
Into a fortress of faith to defend
Against armies of unrivalled despair