I read the words again, cold and alone
They bring me down, weigh on my soul
I understand now the way we've grown
Underground now, the roots don't always show
Down in the dirt, it's the decay
That breeds new life and new days
I'm crushed by the decision you made
But I'm glad to know you're no longer in pain
Like a Band-Aid, like a Band-Aid
Like a Band-Aid, just tear it off like a Band-Aid
It was hard for me to react
In the somber months that passed
Knowing every word, every act
Would be weighed and measured, become a fact
Like a freight train, like a freight train
Like a freight train, you knocked me down like a freight train
Nothing could separate my love
We make our choices and we do our best to move ahead
And I'm trying, trying to do my best
To put my family first and live my life without regrets.
Like a freight train, like a freight train
Like a freight train, you knocked me down like a freight train
Wish we could just go back to the kitchen and all of the laughs
We had the guitar mic'd up and the overdubs, the overdubs
Like a freight train, like a freight train
Like a freight train, you knocked me down like a freight train