Play the ends against the middle
Sneak attack from straight ahead
Divided and conquered, hates a ploy
To keep us fighting with ourselves
So we don't see the enemy
Advancing the cause of consumption
Destroying the earth for capitalism
Market rights before human rights
We have all seen this shit before
Villages razed so cattle could be raised
Land for profit not for people
Leaving the earth raped and bleeding
Sneak attack from straight ahead
Bloodshed for your god or your king
Divisions designed to perpetuate conflict
War supports the economy
The rich get richer and the poor
Blinded by all the subversion
Corporate controlled media blackout
One nation under the dollar and lies
Controlling what you see and think
The friendly face of corruption
Smiles as the earth dies
Advancing the cause of consumption
Destroying the earth for capitalism
Leaving the earth
raped and dead