Monsters of mud
Covered in mud
(Made of mud)
Monsters of mud
(Made of mud)
Monsters of mud (made of mud)
Covered in mud (they're made of mud)
Monsters of mud (made of mud)
Covered in mud (they're made of mud)
Monsters of mud (made of mud) (look at that mud man)
Covered in mud (they're made of mud) (it's disgraceful)
Monsters of mud (made of mud) (check out the dirt pile)
Covered in mud (they're made of mud) (its got a face full)
Monsters of mud (made of mud) (look at that mud man)
Covered in mud (they're made of mud) (It's disgraceful)
Monsters of mud (made of mud) (check out the dirt pile)
Covered in mud (they're made of mud) (its got a face full)
It's unbelievable
They're walking through the streets of town
They act like people but they're
Shapeless, grimy, gray and brown
(Made of mud, they're made of mud)
(Made of mud, they're made of mud)
It used to be that
Everyone you'd see was so well scrubbed
Everything's different now
Ever since the monsters of mud
Monsters of mud
(Made of mud)
Covered in mud
(Made of mud)
Monsters of mud (made of mud)
Covered of mud (they're made of mud)
Monsters of mud (made of mud)
Covered in mud (they're made of mud)
Look out there's one right there
It freaks me out, it's covered in crud
All of our values have been challenged
By the monsters of mud
Here they slime
There they slouch
On the carpet
On my couch
Mud monsters everywhere
You can't escape the slobbering flood
We couldn't stop them so we all became
The monsters of mud
It's unbelievable
We're walking through the streets of town
We act like people but we're
Shapeless, grimy, gray and brown
(Made of mud, we're made of mud)
(Made of mud, we're made of mud)
It used to be that
Everyone you'd see was so well scrubbed
Everything's different now
Ever since the monsters of mud