Kenorland located at lower latitudes
Until tectonic magma plume rifting
The Baltic Shield over the equator
Joined to the Canadian forming an unity
Its nexus near the Fennoscandian shield
Transition point to two-layer core
Findings of earlier continents indicate
Contradicting adjustment theories
During the Siderian and Rhyacian periods
Protracted fissures manifested
By mafic dikes and sedimentary basins
Bimodal deep convection splitting common
No longer a supercontinent, a divide
At two-point-fortyfive Gya, a breakup
Speculation based on the margin
Spatial arrangements of Laurentia
Drifting assemblies flow together
Toward the subsequent amalgamation
Southwest and northwest portions
Of the Canadian Shield at opposite ends
Temperatures plummeting abyssal
Banded iron formations indicating anoxia
Nevertheless, photosynthesis still unbound
Stabilizing climates new levels