Words can't describe how great you are
You blow us away
Making yummy dinners and fixing owies
Each and every day
Making all the nightmares go away
Get outta here spookies
Giving us the best nuggles before school
Teaching us colors like ahscheen
You help us with our homework
Teach us how to read
You show us how to have a dance party
You show us all we need
To the greatest MomMom
She's the bomb dot com
Always there for us
That you can trust
We love you so very much
You're on a level no one can touch
You are my Paytse o lurb for loyp
The hot of my dog
I'm so happy you're their MomMom
Just gimme a hug
The day we met who knew we'd be here
Living a perfect life
We went from partying every weekend
To being husband and wife
From fixing an MP3 player proving your metal taste
To telling bands about our kids
There's just no way we could have planned all that
That path traveled was all His
You mean so much to me and our critters
We want to spoil you rotten
Maybe some sushi and some wine
Tell us what me may have forgotten
To the greatest MomMom
She's the bomb dot com
Always there for us
That you can trust
We love you so very much
You're on a level no one can touch
MomMom you're just the dang bestest
If loving you is a crime then come arrest us
You do so much and put all other moms to shame
Tell Lala way to go cuz she's the one to blame
To the greatest MomMom
She's the bomb dot com
Always there for us
That you can trust
We love you so very much
You're on a level no one can touch
To the greatest MomMom
She's the bomb dot com
Always there for us
That you can trust
We love you so very much
You're on a level no one can touch